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[bc-gnso] Chair's comment: acknowledgement of request to do members poll: [bc-gnso] RE: UPDATED DRAFT BC Public Comments on DAGv4

  • To: Phil Corwin <pcorwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, ron Andruff <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Chair's comment: acknowledgement of request to do members poll: [bc-gnso] RE: UPDATED DRAFT BC Public Comments on DAGv4
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 12:15:36 -0400

Phil, I want to acknowledge that it is my intent to work with Steve DelBianco, 
as v.Chair of policy coordination to do that polling. He and I are trying to 
reach other. 
One thing that I don't think we can do is start over on existing positions. 
That is much harder and will take more time. Having said that, I am open to 
starting a new /separate discussion on topics outside of this particular BC 
Steve and I will reach each other here shortly. 
I wanted to acknowledge the request to do a members poll. 
Marilyn CadeBC ChairFrom: pcorwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [bc-gnso] RE: UPDATED DRAFT BC Public Comments on DAGv4
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 15:58:52 +0000

ICA generally supports and has no objection to the proposed BC position 
statement urging orderly rollout of new gTLDs.
As previously stated, in regard to the rights protection piece, we:

Object to going beyond the IRT recommendation for the URS by providing a domain 
transfer option, as this blurs any real distinction from the standard UDRP 
Believe it is appropriate to sanction complainants who abuse the URS by 
deliberately asserting material misstatements of facts, and believe that the BC 
has a responsibility to better explain why such an impact test is too low
 as well as propose a substitute test that preserves the integrity of the URS. 
Object to the inclusion of "typographical variations" for the TM Clearinghouse 
unless the BC can articulate objective and reasonably narrow standards for the 
limits of such variations.

We are also disappointed that the BC statement does not include any language 
that builds on the RAPWG recommendation for initiation of a balanced and 
comprehensive UDRP PDP to achieve beneficial
 reforms for all parties across the entire gTLD space.


We also urge that there be some polling of BC members in regard to the rights 
protection piece to determine whether there is significant consensus within the 
constituency for retaining these positions in a post-STI environment.


Thank you for consideration of our views.



Philip S. Corwin 


Butera & Andrews 

1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 

Suite 500 

Washington, DC 20004
202-347-6875 (office) 
202-347-6876 (fax)
202-255-6172 (cell)
"Luck is the residue of design." --
 Branch Rickey

From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx] on behalf of Ron 
Andruff [randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]

Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 11:13 AM

To: bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx

Subject: [bc-gnso] RE: UPDATED DRAFT BC Public Comments on DAGv4

Dear colleagues,
Pursuant to the comments that have been sent in, as rapporteur for this 
process, I have incorporated the amendments and prepared two
 final documents for your review and comment.  Two documents, insomuch as I 
broke the original comments into two separate postings so that the BC 
membership can work through the issues accordingly.  As Philip Sheppard noted, 
the BC must post its comments in
 line with past positions.  Splitting the documents hopefully enables focused 
discussion on the RPM piece without impeding posting the other comments.
The first document incorporates a slimmed down version of the original comments 
I posted last week on the issues of ‘market differentiation’,
 ‘translation of ASCII to other scripts’ and ‘revised community priority 
evaluation scoring’, with the BC’s DAGv3 comments attached for reference.  It 
should be noted that
I have made no material changes in these comments; rather I simply tightened up 
the arguments and cleaned up typos, etc.
The second document is effectively Jon’s edits on RPMs.  I have made no changes 
to his edition other than made the correction (‘complainant’
 vs. ‘registrant’) that Phil Corwin noted in his recent posting to the list.
Once again, I welcome comments/amendments to finalize these two documents for 
Kind regards,

Ronald N. Andruff
RNA Partners, Inc.
Fifth Avenue
New York,
New York
+ 1 212 481 2820 ext. 11

From: owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Phil Corwin

Sent: Monday, July 19, 2010 10:39 AM

To: Jon Nevett; Zahid Jamil

Cc: 'Deutsch, Sarah B'; michaelc@xxxxxxxxxxxx; mike@xxxxxxxxxx; jb7454@xxxxxxx; 
randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ffelman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx

Subject: RE: Re[2]: [bc-gnso] DRAFT BC Public Comments on DAGv4


ICA believes that John's redraft is a significant improvement in many ways.


However, we do continue to have some concerns about the URS section, 

We can't support the transfer option, as suspension versus transfer was one of 
the major distinctions between URS and standard UDRP
 as originally proposed by the IRT -- that is, URS was supposed to be for 
rapid, lower cost blocking of a domain in slam dunk cases, with UDRP reserved 
for less clear cut cases as well as instances where the complainant wished to 
permanently acquire the domain.
 We think it's important to preserve that distinction and that problems with 
the use of the UDRP for default cases should be addressed by comprehensive UDRP 
We don't agree that the language asserting that the "impact" test is too low 
for a finding of abuse of process. The exact
 language now in the DAG is -- 
 Examiner may find that Complaint contained a deliberate material falsehood if 

            contained an assertion of fact, which at the time it was made, was 
made with the

            knowledge that it was false and which, if true, would have an 
impact on the outcome on

            the URS proceeding."


What this says is that if a complainant deliberately lied about a material fact 
in order to influence the outcome of a URS in its favor it will suffer
 a penalty in order to protect the integrity of the overall process. The 
penalty for one such deliberate lie is being suspended from using the URS for 
one year; the penalty for two such lies is permanently barring it from use of 
the process. Now, as a practical
 matter, it will be the rare case where the examiner is able to conclude that 
the complainant deliberately misrepresented material facts, so this isn't going 
to happen very often, plus there are no monetary sanctions - including fines or 
a requirement that
 the complainant pay the registrant's costs of defending the domain - so it 
isn't as severe a pernalty as some called for it to be. If the BC is going to 
say that the impact test is too low (with which we don't agree) then I think it 
has some responsibility
 to propose an alternate tests that protects the integrity of the URS against 
the (hopefully rare) complainant who deliberately seeks to abuse it.



As a typographical matter, the last portion of the last sentence of the first 
URS paragraph should read "less certainty for the
using this process", not "registrant". 


Finally, we appreciate the serious and civil debate that has been taking place 
within the BC on this matter -- this is precisely what should occur
 within a constituency to bridge differences in perspective.


Philip S. Corwin 


Butera & Andrews 

1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW 

Suite 500 

Washington, DC 20004
202-347-6875 (office) 
202-347-6876 (fax)
202-255-6172 (cell)
"Luck is the residue of design." --
 Branch Rickey

 Jon Nevett [jon@xxxxxxxxxx]

Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 9:39 PM

To: Zahid Jamil

Cc: 'Deutsch, Sarah B'; Phil Corwin; michaelc@xxxxxxxxxxxx; mike@xxxxxxxxxx; 
jb7454@xxxxxxx; randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ffelman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 

Subject: Re: Re[2]: [bc-gnso] DRAFT BC Public Comments on DAGv4



Attached is a suggested redraft to bridge the gap.  I personally don't agree 
with some of the arguments I left in the attached, but I tried
 to keep the longstanding BC positions while toning down the anti-TLD language. 
 I also deleted a couple of the arguments that were objected to in some of the 
notes I reviewed.


Here are some of the highlights:


*I deleted the GPML section.


*I deleted the clear and convincing evidence issue with regard to the URS.  As 
a member of the IRT, I can say that it clearly was our intent
 for the URS to have a higher burden of proof  than the UDRP -- the legal 
standard is exactly the same.  We wanted the URS to be for "slam dunk" cases.  
The URS was to be a less expensive alternative to the UDRP cognizant of the 
fact that 70% of UDRPs go unanswered.
  Has this issue even been raised before by the BC?


*Based on Sarah's helpful e-mail, I left alone the complaint about transferring 
names after a successful URS as that has been an issue that
 Zahid, Mike and others in the BC have argued consistently.  I do note, 
however, that transfer was not in the IRT recommendation and the STI agreed to 
add a year to the registration at the request of the complainant as a 


*Again based on Sarah's e-mail, I left the PDDRP section pretty much alone 
except for an argument about registries warehousing names, but not
 using them, as that argument didn't make much sense to me.  That's exactly the 
function of a registry to warehouse names until they are sold by registrars.  
If a registry "reserves" a name and it is not in use at all, the mark holder 
should be thrilled that
 it can't be registered by a squatter.


*I also deleted the paragraph about the Director of Compliance.  I don't think 
it appropriate to comment on those kinds of personnel matters. 


*I didn't touch the arguments related to community and 13 points (though I 
personally favor 14 points to avoid gaming -- sorry Ron), as that
 seems to be longstanding BC position.


*I didn't do much on the Market Differentiation section either other than 
soften some of the language.


I have no idea if my attempt will get consensus or not, but I thought it 
worthwhile to offer alternative language and I tried hard to find a







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