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[bc-gnso] Revised Draft #3 of UDRP Provider Standard Mechanisms Position Paper

  • To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Revised Draft #3 of UDRP Provider Standard Mechanisms Position Paper
  • From: Phil Corwin <pcorwin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 21:06:38 +0000

Attached is a 3rd draft of the BC position paper, in both redline and clean 

This draft incorporates recent input from Sarah, Philip, and others. It excises 
all reference to "contract" or "sanctions" in the UDRP context. The basic 
message is that no new UDRP providers should be accredited until ICANN 
establishes a "standard mechanism" for their oversight that includes "flexible 
and effective means of enforcement". It leaves the details of what that 
mechanism and means should be to future consideration.

The current draft reflects suggested textual changes and comments from more 
than half a dozen members of the BC. As the internal comment process has now 
lasted almost one week, and as the comment filing date is one week from 
tomorrow, I would suggest that we leave the current draft open for further 
comments until the end of tomorrow (other than formatting and other 
typographical alterations) and then lock it down and use the appropriate 
process to assure that there is a consensus within the BC for filing it. I 
defer to Marilyn, Steve and others on the approval procedure.

Thanks again to all who have provided input on this matter.

Best to all,

Philip S. Corwin
Butera & Andrews
1301 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20004
202-347-6875 (office)
202-347-6876 (fax)
202-255-6172 (cell)
"Luck is the residue of design." -- Branch Rickey

Attachment: BC-Draft#3-Comment_on_recognizing_new_UDRP_provider-102010.doc
Description: BC-Draft#3-Comment_on_recognizing_new_UDRP_provider-102010.doc

Attachment: docL9FQsjXL9N.doc
Description: BC-Draft#3-Comment_on_recognizing_new_UDRP_provider-Redline-102010.doc

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