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[bc-gnso] FW: for expedited review: draft BC comment on registry proposal for Continuity Operations Instrument (COI)

  • To: "'Bc GNSO list '" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] FW: for expedited review: draft BC comment on registry proposal for Continuity Operations Instrument (COI)
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2011 03:45:12 +0000

Last night, Marilyn Cade submitted extensive edits to our draft comments on the 
Continuity of Operations Fund proposal from the Registries.   See second 
attachment and Marilyn's summary of her comments below.

Per the plan I sent this week, we will now allow 7 additional days of review 
time, with a target date to submit by next Friday 9-Dec.   That would make us 
just one week late for ICANN's comment deadline.

Rapporteur Jon Nevett will take first look at Marilyn's edits and will 
circulate a new version over the weekend.

From: marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: bcprivate@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:bcprivate@xxxxxxxxx>
review: draft BC comment on registry proposal for Continuity Operations 
Instrument (COI)
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2011 10:49:10 -0500

I propose several changes  and an enhancement about why the BC cares about this 
topic, and also note that we would like similar opportunity to achieve changes 
in the new gTLD program -- regarding IPR protections. I will send a separate 
email about that topic, based on discussions with Steve, Sarah, and others 
about the existing call for improvements in that area. [Separate email]. My 
comments are as an individual member of the BC on this BC position statement.

The changes I propose to this draft are consistent with BC's positions 
regarding priority of protecting registrants and users.

See 2, where I added ICANN's responsibiilty to act in the public interest.
3. I explicitly stated that we do not support the Regy proposal. That was 
missing from our statement.
I also said that improvements could be made in the COI. See 4.
5. I also added in that the BC fears a high risk of failure of some of the new 
6. I added that we expect there to be appropriate legal agreements in the 
contracts that would allow for the protection of registered names.

I deleted the old 7, which seemed to say on the one hand, and then on the other 
hand. The purpose of this statement is to either support the Registry proposal, 
or oppose it. I oppose it, for the reasons I noted in my edits. I do think that 
COI can be improved, especially as it regards 'brands' gTLDs.

I was also concerned in reading the transcript of the actual panel in Dakar -- 
I was not able to attend in person -- the panel looked heavily stacked toward 
supporters of the new gTLD program.  However, the important news may be that if 
ICANN will accept suggested changes form a single constituency, we should be 
aggressively be addressing our call for changes in Trademark protection.

Marilyn Cade

From: Steve DelBianco 
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 18:29:48 -0500
To: 'Bc GNSO list ' <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: FW: for expedited review: draft BC comment on registry proposal for 
Continuity Operations Instrument (COI)

Thanks to all for engaging in the email discussion over these comments.

However, I don't think we've seen any specific edits on the draft circulated 
last Tuesday 22-Nov.

Ron and Phil proposed a more extensive critique of the Guidebook's COI plan, 
but the scope of this comment is reacting to the Registry proposal for an 
alternative mechanism (COF).  I would strongly suggest that Ron and Phil 
individually submit their concerns to ICANN, of course.

Mike Palage advised us to be careful about conflicts of interest, so I propose 
a simple way to do this quickly and transparently:

If any BC member objects to the BC filing the attached draft comment , please 
REPLY ALL and indicate your objection and reason.   If any member objections 
are noted by midnight UTC on 1-Dec, we will extend the process and ask the 
membership to vote on alternate versions of BC comments.   This would mean our 
comments are submitted late, but might still be considered.

If no objections are noted we will post the attached draft to ICANN on the 
closing date of 2-Dec.

Thanks again for engaging in this discussion.

(vice chair for policy coordination)

From: Steve DelBianco 
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 19:04:17 -0500
To: "'bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:'bc-GNSO@xxxxxxxxx> GNSO list'" 
Subject: for expedited review: draft BC comment on registry proposal for 
Continuity Operations Instrument (COI)

Per discussion in Dakar and on our 10-Nov member call, here is a draft of BC 
comments on the a proposed alternative to the for Continuity Operations 
Instrument in the new gTLD Program.

Jon Nevett prepared this draft.

This comment period and docs are described 

These comments are due 2-Dec, giving us 10 days for review and approval.   This 
is less than the 14-day period required in our charter, so I am requesting an 
expedited review period.  If any member has substantive objections to the 
expedited review, we can go to 14 days and submit our comments after the ICANN 
due date.

All BC members are invited to suggest edits.     Please use track changes and 
circulate to BC list.

Thanks again to Jon for taking the lead on this.

Steve DelBianco
vice chair for policy coordination, BC

Attachment: BC on COI proposal [draft 1].doc
Description: BC on COI proposal [draft 1].doc

Attachment: BC on COI proposal [draft 1] MSC[2][1].doc
Description: BC on COI proposal [draft 1] MSC[2][1].doc

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