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[bc-gnso] Comments on IRTP-B - Standardized WHOIS Status Messages

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Comments on IRTP-B - Standardized WHOIS Status Messages
  • From: "Mike O'Connor" <mike@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 14:26:42 -0600

hi all,

i volunteered to have a look at this issue with an eye to providing BC 
comments.  here's a link to the public-comment page if you'd like to go deeper 
than what i say in this note.  

first, a brief synopsis.  the IRTP-B working group agreed that the current 
situation with regard to WHOIS status messages is confusing to registrants and 
presents operational issues for registrars and registries.  we suggested that 
these messages be standardized in as simple a way as possible and, after some 
wrangling, concluded that the easiest way to do this is to:

-- establish a clear definition of each status code in the EPP (extensible 
provisioning protocol - which is the standard by which transactions are 
structured between registrars and registries)

-- establish and ICANN-controlled website where all these definitions would be 
maintained, and

-- required that registrars provide a link to the relevant part of that web 
page next to next to the status in any WHOIS output

this has already been through one round of public comment and has been approved 
by the GNSO Council.  the comment deadline is 25-March.  my suggestion is that 
we support this change for the following reasons:

-- it will reduce confusion and errors for registrants

-- it's a fast, light, simple approach to solving the problem

-- it does not require any changes to the underlying protocol

-- it is easy to maintain if there *are* changes to the protocol in the future

why don't we kick this around on the list a bit and then i'll write up results 
with correct capitalization and punctuation.  :-)


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