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[bc-gnso] FYI: ICANN is making several changes in the Schedule/introducing new workshops/

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>, "bc-secretariat @icann" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] FYI: ICANN is making several changes in the Schedule/introducing new workshops/
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2012 19:40:11 -0500

Dear members
I know we are all feeling a little buffetted by the lateness in the ICANN 
agenda and availability of agendas for various workshops.
I wanted to call your attention to two rather major changes on Monday: a new 
workshop that was given 2 hours, which is a considerable amount of time, has 
resulted in other agenda changes which are problemmatic to the BC's ability to 
fully participate in two important workshops: WHOIS RT and ICANN and the 
Internet Governance Landscape.  
It is regrettable that ICANN is struggling with the details of the agenda and 
the materials. 
There are also now late publication of some other materials, so we will all 
have some on site work to do to get caught up on new details. 
 I do appreciate your flexibility and the good will that the BC members always 
show in dealing with such challenges. I know we are all once again drowning in 
last minute stuff, but that means that the staff is probably also feeling a bit 
We will do our best, but I think we may have some discussions by email over the 
Sat/Sun on substance topics. 
Travel safely, and just a heads up: it is lovely and warm here during day, but 
I think a light jacket may be needed [or for men, your suit jacket may feel 
good!] I just got here and I can tell I'll be a bit chilly during the evenings. 
Ayesha has been here a day more so may have an insight...
I will ask Bene to do a new version of our marked up BC meeting schedule [the 
one with the orange codes] and publish it on Sunday. that way, she can catch 
any further changes that happen. 


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