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[bc-gnso] ICANN DNS L-Root announcements
- To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [bc-gnso] ICANN DNS L-Root announcements
- From: "Baskin, James F \(Jim\)" <james.f.baskin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 15:16:43 -0400
On a BC call about a month ago, I mentioned a question I had about a new
instance of the ICANN L-Root that was mentioned in an ICANN announcement. I
did some research and determined that the Russian server mentioned in the April
5 ICANN News Alert is a standard Anycast instance, and not an item that needs
any special attention from the ICANN community.
Since the April 5 Alert there have been two other similar ICANN news items -
one announcing 14 new L-Root instances implemented in Brazil and another
regarding L-Root instances in the Ukraine. The news item about Brazil
specifically identified those servers as Anycast instances.
Just to clarify that all of the mentioned L-Root instances mentioned are
Anycast-based, I sent a note to Joe Abley, ICANN's Director of DNS Operations,
last week seeking confirmation. As soon as I hear back from him, I will pass
the confirmation along to the BC list.
Jim Baskin

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