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[bc-gnso] Prague Public Forum Agenda

  • To: "'bc - GNSO list'" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Prague Public Forum Agenda
  • From: "Zahid Jamil" <zahid@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2012 18:32:08 +0200


Public Forum


 Thu, 28 June 2012 - 14:00 - 18:30



 Congress I/II

Session Leader:  <mailto:filiz.yilmaz@xxxxxxxxx> Filiz Yilmaz | Senior
Director, Participation and Engagement




Agenda Details:

The links will be made available shortly before the Public Forum starts and
will be closed when the session ends in Prague.


1. Chair Introduction (5 mins)


2. Thanks to departing Community Leaders/Members (5 mins)


3. Board Reporting (45 mins)


4. Open mic on Board Report (20 mins)

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Question or Comment on this topic
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Submissions of others


BREAK (30 mins)


5. ICANN 44 presentation (5 mins) 


6. IPv6 Support by Registries/Registrars (20 mins)

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Question or Comment on this topic
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7. Whois Review Team final report (20 mins)

ort/> Enter a Question or Comment on this topic
rt/> View Submissions of others


8. Renewal of .com agreement (20 mins)

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/> View Submissions of others


9. Balancing the capacity of volunteers and ICANN staff vs. work load and
demands (20 mins)

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View Submissions of others


10. Globalization of ICANN (20 mins)

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11. New gTLDs (40 mins)

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Question or Comment on this topic
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12. AOB (20 mins)

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Comment on this topic
 <https://icann.wufoo.com/reports/icann44public-forumaob/> View Submissions
of others



Best regards, 


Zahid Jamil


Jamil & Jamil


219-221 Central Hotel Annexe

Merewether Road, Karachi. Pakistan

Cell: +923008238230

Tel: +92 213 5680760 / 5685276 / 5655025

Fax: +92 213 5655026

www.jamilandjamil.com <http://www.jamilandjamil.com/> 


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