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[bc-gnso] REMINDER: Prague Meeting Report - call for members observations

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] REMINDER: Prague Meeting Report - call for members observations
  • From: Benedetta Rossi <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 05 Jul 2012 19:57:28 +0200

Dear BC Members,

This is a reminder for the call for members observations from the meetings in Prague. Please see below the email I sent last week to the list. So far I have received observations from Elisa Cooper regarding WHOIS - thank you ever so much for submitting this so promptly Elisa!

The deadline for submissions is Monday 9th July 2012, so I can then publish them on the BC website & wiki.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Kind Regards,

Benedetta Rossi
BC Secretariat

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Prague Meeting Report - call for members observations
Date:   Thu, 28 Jun 2012 09:11:46 +0200
From:   Benedetta Rossi <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
To:     bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>

Dear Members,

For the Prague meeting we would like to draft a Meeting Report based on members' observations. It would be great if members could email me 2-3 paragraphs on the particular session they attended. This is a single effort to a meeting summary, and not intended as an official document. It is very much based on your personal observations.

In particular:

 * WHOIS - Elisa Cooper
 * New CEO & Leadership - Marilyn Cade
 * New gTLDs - Steve DelBianco
 * Council activities - Zahid Jamil / John Berard
 * SSR - Jeff Brueggeman
 * IGF - Ayesha Hassan
 * Budget - Chris Chaplow
 * Strat Plan - Marilyn Cade / Chris Chaplow
 * Newcomers - Gabriela Szlak / Marie Pattullo
 * Angie / Jim / Bill / Phil / Mario / Bryce /  Janet / John Myers - Do
   you have a particular session or topic you would like to pick?

You can also, of course, contribute to any of the other topics!

Thank you,

Kind Regards,

Benedetta Rossi
BC Secretariat

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