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[bc-gnso] ICANN Seeks Input on gTLD Batching | ICANN

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] ICANN Seeks Input on gTLD Batching | ICANN
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:25:03 -0400

DEAR BC MEMBERSThe BC members had significant concerns about digital archery. 
As you will recall,the Board has listened to the community and the proposed 
approach is below. 
We had originally called for prioritization of IDNs and community facing 
applications; however,that view is not relevant with the new approach. 
Please share any views you have on this approach via our bc list. If necessary, 
we will arrange a conference call, but I would anticipate that we can 
determinecontinued BC support from our list interactions. 
Marilyn Cade, BC Chair

ICANN Seeks Input on gTLD Batching | ICANN

Opportunity for Community Input: Processing of New gTLD ApplicationsAt the 
Prague ICANN meeting, the newgTLD Program Committee decided to terminate 
Digital Archery, and instructedICANN staff to proceed with the initial 
evaluation of applications as quickly as possible. This evaluation is in 
progress based on a tentative project plan that foresees the processing of 
applications in a single batch, and simultaneous release of results. ICANN 
believes this approach is consistent with the constraints that various parts of 
the community have in performing their respective roles in the evaluation 
process, and with the feedback received from the community at the Prague 

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