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[bc-gnso] Announcement of BC NomCom representatives to 2013 NomCom

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Announcement of BC NomCom representatives to 2013 NomCom
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2012 15:17:51 -0400

Dear BC Members
The Nominating Committee for ICANN will be convening in Toronto for the 2013 
Nominating Committee (NC) process. The work of the NomComm will be especially 
time consuming this year, due to the high number of important appointments -- 3 
Board members and 2 Councilors to GNSO Council, plus additional ccNSO and ALAC 
The ExeComm has conducted a process to determine the two BC representatives to 
the 2013 NC. We invited self nomination from members who proposed to assume 
these importantand very time consuming roles for the BC.  The ability to fully 
commit to the online and face to face meeting work of the NC is a high demand 
on time of our representatives. 
We were pleased to have 3 self nominees, and the ExComm considered all three 
nominees with full appreciation that all bring considerable strengths and 
different aspects of BC expertise and understanding, but also each volunteer 
brings strengths in interaction within ICANN, and external to ICANN, 
especiallyin regard to networks that access leaders from developing countries. 
We took into account the unusually high demands of workload for NC members, due 
to the number of appointments to be made.  
The ExComm has made appointments of two BC representatives to the NomCom. 
For 2013, the BC will be represented by :
Waudo Siganga, WITSA: WITSA has a strong and diverse network with over 80 
associations; the majority of which are from developing countries.  Waudo is an 
experiencedparticipant in the NomCom for the BC, and we appreciate that he has 
accepted a second term for 2013.  We ask Waudo to carry the responsibility for 
small and medium enterprizes views,and to ensure that there is broad outreach 
into developing and emerging economies, with a special focus on awareness about 
ICANN and the NC.  He will carry the Small Business designation to ensure that 
there is recognition of the concerns of small businesses, whether represented 
by associations, or independently and will collaborate closely with our second 
representative. Waudo is the senior executive in the Kenyan Computer Society; 
and is on several Boards, including AfriICA, and WITSA. 
Ron Andruff, RNApartners: . Ron will carry the responsibility to represent 
large businesses and associations that are focused on large businesses, and 
will be available to collaborate with BC entities related to encouraging 
awareness and interest by such parties, and far beyond for large business and 
for associations that specialize in their focus on large/global corporations.  
Ron is the past CEO of .travel; and the current CEO of RNAPartners; in 
addition, he has held additional senior leadership positions in business.  
Ron brings an extensive network within ICANN's structure, and externally with 
business. Ron has carried several key collaborative leadership roles for the BC 
as a volunteer, including steering roles within the last GNSO restructuring; 
playing a leadership role in Charter redrafting.  He also carries an additional 
role within the BC in the STI in the GNSO, where he has demonstrated strong 
skills of leadership, involvement, and leadership within challenging 
situations, and has build strong relationships which may be leveraged toward 
collaboration within the NC.  
2013 is a unique challenge for the BC, and the ExComm took all of the 
challenges that we face to ensure effectiveness within ICANN into account, as 
well as our other work demands on our members.  All candidates brought skills, 
and capabilities to this appointment, and we once again thank all who submitted 
their interest statements.  I do want, as Chair to note that while the NC is 
important to ICANN and to the BC, many other issues are vitally important to 
the BC, and we must be effective on all fronts.  The work load that we will 
carry as the BC going forwardare considerable, and you will see other emails 
from me, as Chair, with support of the ExCom, asking for more engagement by our 
BC members on many other fronts of work at ICANN. 

Time commitments for our NC Reps:  The importance of full commitment to 
attending and fully participating in the NomCom is a significant commitment. 
That means that our BC reps have to be absent to us, and often to their daily 
job demands during the NomCom meetings. This is a high bar for our 
representatives, and we ask that all BC members show their support to our two 
representatives to 2013, who will be with us in Toronto, and will be joining 
the 2013 Nominating Committee on our behalf. 

2013 appointments/selections that the 2013 Nominating Committee will be 
responsible for: 3 Board members2 GNSO Council Appointments, including who of 
these appointees gets to hold voting seats on the GNSO policy CouncilCCNSO 
appointmentsALAC appointments
I am separately circulating a long list of reports and documents that support 
the work of the Nominating Committee. I know that many of you are strongly 
interested in the NC work, so am posting it to the full BC list, but the 
Secretariat will also put the links on the BC WIKI, for later and further 
reference. [See separate email]. 
Marilyn Cade, BC ChairOn behalf of the BC ExComm


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