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[bc-gnso] RE: [Bc-private] BC Calls -- A proposal for a new format

  • To: "'bc - GNSO list'" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] RE: [Bc-private] BC Calls -- A proposal for a new format
  • From: <icann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2012 08:26:03 -0700

I am in complete agreement with David's logical proposal.


Mike Rodenbaugh


tel/fax:  +1.415.738.8087

 <http://rodenbaugh.com> http://rodenbaugh.com 


From: bc-private-bounces@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:bc-private-bounces@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Fares, David
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2012 7:38 AM
To: bc-private icann.org (bc-private@xxxxxxxxx)
Subject: [Bc-private] BC Calls -- A proposal for a new format




I would like to make several proposal a new structure for future BC calls to
ensure that they are an opportunity for meaningful exchange among members
and not simply reports to members.  To achieve this I recommend that:


1.      Substantive issues that require discussion and procedural matters
that require decision are handled first;
2.      Items for reporting are last and should, whenever possible be
summarized in writing in advance of the call so people can digest them and
offer input/ask questions; and
3.      Time limits should be set for each item to ensure that we get
through the agenda within the allotted time.


Our goal is to make the calls an efficient, effective and substantive forum
for discussions.


I would welcome thoughts from other members.





David Fares

Senior Vice President, Government Relations

News Corporation


   London: +44-20-7753-7294

   NY: +1-212-556-2464


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