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[bc-gnso] meeting with the NC during the Toronto meeting/conflicts of interest from officers/councilors who are on the ExCom

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] meeting with the NC during the Toronto meeting/conflicts of interest from officers/councilors who are on the ExCom
  • From: Marilyn Cade <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 09:31:49 -0400

I have no conflict of interest in the selection of the BC appointees to the NC. 
Planning for interaction with the NomComm Chair and Chair Elect
ICANN has announced the Chair and Chair Elect, and I invite members to review 
those announcements on the ICANN website. 
Interaction with the BC:  The Nominating Committee, with the new Chair and 
Chair Elect, and other participants, will join the BC for a 30 minute slot. The 
Chair will explain that the NC maintains strict confidentiality of SOIs 
received, and even those who are past members are bound by a strict 
confidentiality guideline.  Please review the bylaw information about the NC 
roleand responsibilities. To maximize your contribution during this discussion, 
I would suggest that you review some of the recent reports of the NomComm in 
addition. You can find those by doing a search on the website. 

We are finalizing the slot with the NC and will do our best to organize it on 
Tuesday or Wednesday in our scheduled time slots. 
Marilyn Cade, BC Chair


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