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[bc-gnso] 2013 Nom Com October Report Card

  • To: "'Bc GNSO list '" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] 2013 Nom Com October Report Card
  • From: "Ron Andruff" <randruff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2012 12:16:40 -0400

Dear members,


On behalf of Waudo Siganga and I, your 2013 Nominating Committee (Nom Com)
member representatives, I am pleased to send you our Committee's first ever
monthly 'Report Card', just one of the innovations launched at our first
meeting, for more detailed reporting back to the ICANN community.  This
document represents a sea change in transparency for the Nom Com and one
that we believe will underscore the Committee's commitment to openness and
integrity in this year's process of selecting strong candidates to fill key
roles in ICANN's ever-improving leadership.


Regarding our 2013 Committee's new regime of openness, our Chairman, Yrjo
Lansipuro noted: "We re-examined the reasons behind the exaggerated secrecy
that has surrounded the NomCom institution. We went back to the 2007 NomCom
Review, which offered an explanation: the  justified requirement of absolute
candidate confidentiality has led members and staff  to "err on the side of
caution" and treat many other aspects of the NomCom's operation as
confidential "just to be safe." The 2007 Review noted: "Secrecy beyond what
is required to preserve candidate confidentiality shields the NomCom from
outside pressure and influence but also damages its credibility."


Encouraged by our meetings with constituency representatives, with the Board
and the CEO, the 2013 NomCom decided to make a clean distinction between our
processes, which should be as transparent as possible, and information about
the candidates, which shall remain absolutely confidential.  I hope that
this change will be noticed by the community. We'll keep on reporting, and
we'll have an open session in Beijing."


Both Waudo and I are pleased to report that the Committee has begun its
mandate with a strong sense of mutual respect and camaraderie; fully united
in its mission.


I have also attached the 2013 Nom Com Timeline of activities and the Open
Positions that we will be working toward filling.  Soon, we will send an
announcement to the BC list explaining the nature of the candidates we are
looking for and the process for applying.  We encourage you, however, to
start thinking now about whom you know that would be a potential candidate
to add to the pool.


Our next Report Card will be forthcoming immediately following our meeting
in mid-November.


Kind regards,




Ronald N. Andruff



RNA Partners, Inc.

220 Fifth Avenue

New York, New York 10001

+ 1 212 481 2820 ext. 11



Attachment: 2013 Open Leadership Positions r2.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: NomCom Report Card Oct 2012 Final r1.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: 2013 NomCom timetable.ppt
Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation

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