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[bc-gnso] FILED: Business Constituency comment on ICANN meetings proposal

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] FILED: Business Constituency comment on ICANN meetings proposal
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2012 01:09:13 +0000

Today the BC filed initial comments & recommendations on ICANN's proposal  
 for consolidated meetings. (see our comments below)

During the Reply Comment period thru 7-Dec, we plan to elaborate on our 
recommendations, based on suggestions from Marilyn Cade and Chris Chaplow.  We 
will circulate a draft for BC member review.


Date: Friday, November 16, 2012 8:00 PM
To: "meetings-proposal-2012@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:meetings-proposal-2012@xxxxxxxxx>" 
Subject: Business Constituency comment on ICANN meetings proposal

The Business Constituency offers these recommendations and comments on ICANN's 
proposal for consolidated meetings.

(a) There should be a continuous meetings evaluation process.  ICANN public 
meetings are now large and expensive undertakings - over $2 million for ICANN, 
and undoubtedly more than that for participant travel and accommodation costs. 
The number, timing and scope of public meetings should be carefully reviewed to 
make best use of scarce resources.  As ICANN changes, so should the meetings 
adjust to new circumstances.

 (b) Consistent with its commitment to openness and transparency, ICANN should 
place a high priority on selecting host country sites with minimal visa 
requirements and favorable travel costs for participants from developing 

 (c) Proposed contracts with venues and hotels should include a substantial 
discount from standard rates, and these discounts should be available to all 

 (d) The Internet infrastructure of meeting sites must be more than "adequate." 
 ICANN should continue to foster investment in Internet facilities everywhere, 
and should reward hosts who demonstrate their commitment to the network by 
providing superior access and bandwidth.

 (e) The BC suggests that the next step is for the staff to complete an 
evaluation matrix for the proposed future sites, identifying key selection 
factors, and post this information  for additional public comment.

Mike Roberts served as Rapportuer for these comments, which were approved in 
accordance with the BC Charter.

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