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[bc-gnso] FW: Congressional Internet Caucus Co-Chairs Support Ambassador Kramer's delegation to the WCIT

  • To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] FW: Congressional Internet Caucus Co-Chairs Support Ambassador Kramer's delegation to the WCIT
  • From: Phil Corwin <psc@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 21:34:22 +0000


Philip S. Corwin, Founding Principal
Virtualaw LLC
1155 F Street, NW
Suite 1050
Washington, DC 20004

Twitter: @VlawDC

"Luck is the residue of design" -- Branch Rickey

From: ICAC@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ICAC@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 2:39 PM
To: Phil Corwin
Subject: Congressional Internet Caucus Co-Chairs Support Ambassador Kramer's 
delegation to the WCIT


Congressional Internet Caucus Co-Chairs Bolster U.S. Delegation's WCIT Position
Bipartisan Congressional support critical as details leak about ITU Internet 
control plan

WASHINGTON, DC - The Congressional Internet 
Caucus<http://www.netcaucus.org/members/> co-chairs predicted "dire 
consequences" should "unaccountable international entities" usurp control of 
Internet functions in a 
 to Ambassador Terry Kramer in advance of the World Conference on International 
Communications (WCIT). Over the weekend, more details leaked about the 
impending WCIT power struggles that Ambassador Gross faces as the U.S. 
delegation heads to Dubai. The co-chairs urged Ambassador Kramer to take a 
strong stand, noting "our cherished notions of free speech would be chilled on 
the global platform leading to a balkanization of the Internet where censorship 
could become the new norm."

In the 
 all four Congressional Internet Caucus co-chairs -- Senator Patrick Leahy, 
Senator John Thune, Representative Bob Goodlatte and Representative Anna G. 
Eshoo -- stated "Internet governance issues can best be addressed through 
[current] multi-stakeholder mechanisms" rather than "unaccountable 
intergovernmental agencies." Leading U.S. stakeholders alerted Congress to the 
impending ITU takeover in the spring at a Congressional 
briefing<http://www.netcaucus.org/events/2012/internetgovernance/> hosted by 
the Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee<http://www.netcaucus.org/>.

The strong statement from the bicameral, bipartisan caucus bolsters the U.S. 
delegation's mission to ensure that Internet governance functions remain with 
"the private, nonprofit, and governmental organizations that have managed the 
Internet effectively for many years and empowered it to flourish."

Link to letter: http://bit.ly/ROU4W4

Eric Hinkes
(202) 638-4370 x127

Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee
1634 I Street NW - Washington, DC 20006
Find us on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/cicac>, 
Google+<https://plus.google.com/103498997342005618277/> and 

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