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[bc-gnso] Internet eco System/WCIT

  • To: Bc GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Internet eco System/WCIT
  • From: Marilyn Cade <mscade@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 08:47:37 -0500

Dear BC members

While we are tremendously busy @ICANN, there is also a lot going on in the 
Internet Eco System front that has implications for ICANN. Many of you 
attended, or participated in the workshops at ICANN on ICANN and the Internet 
Eco System.  

I saw this recently, and thought it might be a useful backgrounder  and status 
update. The ITU Treaty conference begins on 1/3 and concludes essentially for 
negotiations on 1/14, with formal publication on 1/15.  It is too complex and 
not useful to dwell on 
the substance, however, as this topic has been of concern to many BC members, I 
am providing a link to a recent Forbes article. 

This is provided as a background document.  I know that many of the BC 
companies, in their individual capacity, are actively attending or following 
the ITU WCIT. 

This posting is not to create a BC debate, but to inform other members that 
many of your colleagues in the BC are contributing to activities or initiatives 
that support ICANN's role and core mission.

Technically, the WCIT should not be about ICANN but certain states are 
proposing changes in the ITU Treaty on Telecommunications Regulations that have 
implications for the Internet. 

We have a tremendous number of hot items at ICANN, but during December, the 
world will be watching Dubai and this conference.  
If you want to post something on the BC list on this topic, please use a 
subject line of Internet Eco System/WCIT, so that members not interested, can 
ignore and focus on other ICANN related topics. 

Marilyn Cade


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