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[bc-gnso] Report card on BC/IPC improvements in Rights Protection Mechanisms for new gTLDs

  • To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Report card on BC/IPC improvements in Rights Protection Mechanisms for new gTLDs
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 14:22:15 +0000

BC Members — in advance of our member call tomorrow, here's a "report card" on 
the eight RPM improvements we suggested in Toronto.  (attached)

The report card includes links to Fadi's blogs on "Strawman" proposals.

Below the report card are my notes from Fadi's call on 26-Nov.

This doc also includes the latest proposal from BC/IPC on how to implement 
"blocking" thru a Limited Preventative Registration mechanism (LPR).

Look forward to the discussion tomorrow, when BC members who were engaged in 
the discussion can explain further:
Marilyn Cade
Elisa Cooper
Bryce Coughlin
Martin Sutton
Susan Kawaguchi
Fred Felman
Sarah Deutsch

Steve DelBianco
Executive Director
http://www.NetChoice.org and http://blog.netchoice.org

Attachment: Report Card on RPM Improvements.docx
Description: Report Card on RPM Improvements.docx

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