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Re: [bc-gnso] Updated version 3 for submission on 15-Jan: BC comment on Strawman Solution

  • To: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [bc-gnso] Updated version 3 for submission on 15-Jan: BC comment on Strawman Solution
  • From: Gabriela Szlak <gabrielaszlak@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 12:05:07 -0300

Great work Steve, thank you and thanks to all,
(Please note that I tried but could not open the link to the timeline
developed by Chris)

*Gabriela Szlak *
Directora Iniciativas RED/ODR y eGobernanza
25 de mayo 611 Piso 3º  - C1002ABM
Ciudad Autonoma Buenos Aires - Argentina
(+54 11) 4878-0179
*Skype:* gabrielaszlak
odr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <presidencia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

2013/1/15 Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

>   The attached update [v3] reflects suggestions received today and
> discussed on our BC member call, including:
>    - Gaby Szlak's suggestion to "*give the new team a chance*!"
>    - David Fares 's pivot from past frustration to present appreciation
>    - Bill Smith's suggestion to use the term Fraud and Abuse early on
>    - Martin Sutton's change from "blocking" to "reservation"
>    - Consensus suggestion to list the other 4 items from our Toronto
>    list, incl URS.
>    - Sarah Deutsch's point about dissatisfaction with paying fees for
>    weak Claims 2 notices:
>  "Accordingly, the BC supports a reasonable fee for the Claims 2 notice
> service, provided the notice includes the same information and registrant
> acknowledgement mechanism required for Claims 1 notices.
>    - Chris Chaplow's updated PDP target date and link to his PDP timeline
>    - Plus prior draft suggestions from Ron Andruff, John Berard, Elisa
>    Cooper, and Sara Deutsch.
>    A redline is also attached to show those changes from the 2-Jan
> original draft.
>  The BC will submit these comments end of day on 15-Jan.  We will also be
> able to submit Reply comments thru 5-Feb.
>   --Steve
>    From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Wednesday, January 2, 2013 5:44 PM
> To: bc - GNSO list <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: DRAFT for review: BC comment on Strawman Solution
>     BC members:
>  In Toronto , the BC/IPC/ISPC requested improved Rights Protection
> Measures (RPMs).  That prompted ICANN executive management to host
> follow-up meetings with multiple stakeholders.   As a result, ICANN posted
> a "strawman solution" for public comment 
> (link<http://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/trademark-clearinghouse/strawman-solution-03dec12-en.pdf>).
>    Public comments are due by 16-Jan-2013.
>  Attached is a draft BC comment on the Strawman solution, based on prior
> BC positions and discussions, email exchanges with BC members, and initial
> review by the ex comm.
>  Per the BC charter, this draft is posted for 14 days of review and
> comment.  As soon as possible, please REPLY ALL with your suggested edits
> to these comments.   If any BC member *objects* to the BC filing the
> attached draft comment , please REPLY ALL and indicate your objection and
> reason.
>  We plan to finalize and submit these comments on 16-Jan-2013.
>  --
> Steve DelBianco
> BC vice chair for policy coordination

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