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[bc-gnso] Business Constituency Comment on ICANN's FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget.

  • To: <comments-op-budget-fy14-10may13@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Business Constituency Comment on ICANN's FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget.
  • From: "Chris Chaplow" <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 31 May 2013 22:49:12 +0200


Please see attached comments of the GNSO Business Constituency on ICANN's
FY14 Draft Operating Plan and Budget.



Submitted on behalf of BC by Chris Chaplow, Vice Chair Finance and



Attachment: FY14_Draft_Operating_Plan_Budget_BC_Comment.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: FY14_Budget-Analysis&Questions.xlsx
Description: Microsoft Office

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