[bc-gnso] BC Members Call - June 6, 2013: Minutes, Transcript & MP3 Recording
Dear BC Members, Please find attached the minutes I drafted and the transcript from the BC Members call which took place on Thursday, June 6th 2013 at 11 am EST. Please find the MP3 recording here: https://icann.box.com/shared/static/oo4mmqs1ofpredka30hs.mp3 These materials can also be found on the BC Wiki's conference call section: https://community.icann.org/x/0YHbAQ Thank you, -- Kind Regards, Benedetta Rossi BC Secretariat bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx <https://community.icann.org/display/gnsobc/Home> https://community.icann.org/display/gnsobc/Home www.bizconst.org Attachment:
Minutes BC Members call JUNE 06 2013.pdf Attachment:
BC JUNE 6 2013.pdf