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[bc-gnso] ALERTS from the Secretariat: Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] ALERTS from the Secretariat: Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 19:05:08 +0200

Dear BC Members,


Please find below an ICANN Announcement of interest to BC Members: Explore
the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model.


Thank you,



Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat







Explore the Draft Next Generation gTLD Directory Services Model

24 June 2013

ICANN has embarked on an effort to reinvent today's WHOIS system. Be part of
the solution and join the discussion...online and at ICANN's Durban meeting.

-en.htm> Share Your Thoughts

There are different ways to share your perspective with us:

*       Provide your input through our
-en.htm> online questionaire
*       A
jun13-en.htm> webinar on Monday, 8 July at 15:00-16:30 UTC
*       A  <http://durban47.icann.org/node/39627> consultation in Durban on
Monday, 15 July
*       Submit comments by email:  <mailto:input-to-ewg@xxxxxxxxx>

As the Expert Working Group on gTLD Directory Services (EWG), we have
proposed a paradigm shift - a new system in which gTLD registration data is
collected, validated and disclosed for permissible purposes only, with some
data elements being accessible only to authenticated requestors that are
then held accountable for appropriate use. Our objective is to reexamine and
define the purpose of collecting and maintaining gTLD directory data,
consider how to safeguard the data, and propose a next generation solution
that will better serve the needs of the global Internet community.

-en.png> Aggregated RDS Model

In our
t-24jun13-en.pdf> Initial Report [PDF, 1.7 MB], we identify the design
features and principles that we think are essential in this new system, and
a proposed Model for the next generation data directory services to replace

Help shape this paradigm shift by sharing your reaction to our
t-24jun13-en.pdf> recommendations [PDF, 1.7 MB] and answering the questions
linked below (click on "Share Your Thoughts"). Did we meet our objective? Do
the recommendations address your concerns? How can we make them better?

-en.htm> Share Your Thoughts

There are different ways to share your perspective with us:

*       Provide your input through our
-en.htm> online questionaire
*       A
jun13-en.htm> webinar on Monday, 8 July at 15:00-16:30 UTC: we will walk you
through our proposal and invite you to share your views and input.
*       A  <http://durban47.icann.org/node/39627> consultation in Durban on
Monday, 15 July: we will present the outcome of our work and open the floor
for any questions or feedback you may have. A recording of the session will
be made available shortly after the meeting;
*       Submit comments by email:  <mailto:input-to-ewg@xxxxxxxxx>

All input received by August 12 will be carefully considered as we finalize
our recommendations and bring our work to a conclusion. To help focus your
attention, we request your feedback on a set of questions, although you are
free to comment on any aspect of the Initial Report.


Members of the
<https://www.icann.org/en/groups/other/gtld-directory-services> Expert
Working Group on gTLD Directory Services (EWG)

More Information

Our work stems from the Board's
directive to redefine the purpose and provision of gTLD registration data,
while balancing data accuracy and access issues with safeguards for
protecting data. We considered the important community work done over the
last decade by the GNSO, the SSAC, the WHOIS Review Team, the GAC and
others. Our
t-24jun13-en.pdf> Initial Report [PDF, 1.7 MB] reflects our consensus view
of the design principles and features needed for a new system. Our proposed
Model highlights how these design principles and features could be fulfilled
in the ICANN domain ecosystem.

What's Next?

We will consider your input and present a final report containing our
recommended design principles, features, and suggested Model to ICANN's CEO
and Board when our work is concluded. This output will feed into a
Board-initiated GNSO policy development process to serve as a foundation for
the GNSO's creation of new consensus policy, and contractual negotiations,
as appropriate.



PNG image

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