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[bc-gnso] Reminder: questions for candidates due today

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Reminder: questions for candidates due today
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:16:01 +0200

Dear BC Members,


Please note that questions for candidates running for the BC Nominating
Committee seats for 2014 are due today. Questions submitted by today will be
aggregated and sent to the BC list and to the candidates prior to tomorrow's
candidate call taking place at 11 am EST (3 pm UTC). These questions will be
anonymously presented to candidates, and will take priority in the
discussion with candidates. If there is remaining time, the Returning
Officer may allow members to ask further questions directly on the call,
time permitting.


Thank you,


Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat





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