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[bc-gnso] Minutes and transcript: BC Closed Meeting in Durban, Wed. July 17th 2013

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Minutes and transcript: BC Closed Meeting in Durban, Wed. July 17th 2013
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 17:44:17 +0200

Dear BC Members,

Please find attached the minutes and transcript from the closed BC meeting
which took place on Wednesday, July 17th, 2013 in Durban in preparation for
the Public Forum. 


These documents are also present on the BC Wiki:


Thank you,


Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat





Attachment: Minutes BC WEDNESDAY - 17 July 2013.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: Transcript BC WEDNESDAY - 17 July 2013.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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