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[bc-gnso] Policy calendar for 8-Aug-2013 BC member call

  • To: "bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx list" <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Policy calendar for 8-Aug-2013 BC member call
  • From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2013 21:13:34 +0000

There's a lot happening so I prepared a Policy Calendar for tomorrow's BC call.

Channel 1. BC participation in ICANN Public Comment process:

ICANN Public Comment page is <http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment> 
here<https://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment>.   Selected comment 
opportunities below:

1. Draft report of expert working group (EWG) on next generation directory 
services (new WHOIS)    (comments close 12-Aug).
Current working draft is attached.  I started with Stephane,  J Scott and Bill 
Smith's version fmor 5-Aug and added the two paragraphs by Marie Pattullo on 

Let's discuss on the call. Issues on the table include:
Are Bill and others okay with Marie's language to express concerns about SSR?

Are we comfortable with Stephane's gentle suggestion that this could apply to 
ccTLDs, too?

Should "Commercial entities" be prevented from using privacy/proxy services?

2. Renewal of .org registry agreement  (reply comments close 12-Aug)

3. Draft report on universal acceptance of IDN TLDs  (reply comments close 

4. Postponement of GNS review  (reply comments close 29-Aug)

5. .mobi and .pro request to remove cross-ownership restrictions (initial 
comments by 16-Aug)

6. Locking of domain name subject to UDRP proceeding (PDP), board 
recommendation (initial comments by 23-Aug)

7. Proposal to mitigate name collision risks from new gTLD delegations (initial 
comments by 27-Aug)

8. Rights Protection Mechanism (RPM) requirements     (initial comments by 

9. Charter amendment process for GNSO Structures  (initial comments by 28-Aug)

Note: BC members are encouraged to submit individual / company comments.  The 
BC selects topics on which to submit official positions based on member 

Geographic Indicator Debate
On 1-Aug a discussion thread was begun by J Scott Evans regarding the 
"Geographic Indicator Debate at Durban", including broader issue of GAC's role.

There is no firm deadline for this issue and ICANN has not posted GAC Advice 
for public comment.

We have offers to draft from J Scott Evans, Stephane, and Sarah Deutsch so far.

Would the volunteer drafters be willing to circulate a letter for member 

Channel 2. Support for discussion and votes of our representatives on GNSO 
John Berard and Zahid Jamil, BC Councilors

Report on Council telecon meeting held 1-Aug-2013. 

Next Council telecon meeting is 5-Sep-2013, 15:00 UTC

Channel 3. Supporting discussion/voting on matters before the Commercial 
Stakeholders Group (CSG)
Marilyn Cade, CSG Liaison

Channel 4. BC statements and responses during public meetings (outreach events, 
public forum, etc.)

Attachment: BC Comments - EWG Draft Model [v2].doc
Description: BC Comments - EWG Draft Model [v2].doc

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