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[bc-gnso] BC Excomm Mailing list open to members

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] BC Excomm Mailing list open to members
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2013 14:40:54 +0200

Dear BC Members,


Please note that as of today, BC members have access to the BC Executive
Committee's mailing list archives. I have manually added all members to the
list to enable access to the archives, so each member will have received an
automated email confirming their subscription to the list. 


This mailing list functions the same way as the bc-private mailing list.
Each member will receive an automated email every month with a reminder of
their password to access the archives. 


The password protected archives can be found on the link provided in the
subscription email, which is automatically generated. Please disregard the
rest of the information on the email, since the only applicable section is
the access to the archives. 


Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions about the
BC Excomm mailing list.


Thank you,


Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat





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