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[bc-gnso] Call for Volunteers: Advisory Group for Digital Engagement Project

  • To: bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Call for Volunteers: Advisory Group for Digital Engagement Project
  • From: Benedetta Rossi <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 10:42:27 +0200

Dear BC Members,

Please find below an ICANN announcement for a call for volunteers for the 
Advisory Group for Digital Engagement Project.

Kind regards,

Benedetta Rossi
BC Secretariat
> http://gnso.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-22aug13-en.htm
> Call for Volunteers: Advisory Group for Digital Engagement Project
> Last Updated: 22 August 2013
> Date: 
> 22 August 2013
> ICANN is engaged in a strategic development and incubation process for new 
> digital engagement tools and services, which will result in a 
> reconceptualization of ICANN.org. The goal of the strategy is to drive 
> community engagement across a continuum of potential involvement: from the 
> general interest public-facing communication that happens on ICANN.org; to 
> deeper engagement experiences that enable new and existing community members 
> to discuss and educate themselves on a wide variety of governance topics; to 
> experiences in which community members learn more abut working group activity.
> After a number of community discussions in Durban, it seemed that in addition 
> to the online participation which is occurring on ICANNLabs that the project 
> could benefit from more regular community input from a core group of 
> interested people. It was suggested that Staff consider creating a community 
> Advisory Group that would provide additional guidance and support on a 
> regular basis.
> Here's more detail on this potential committee:
> Name: Digital Engagement Advisory Group
> Type: Ad-hoc advisory group to advise the development team working on the 
> Digital Engagement Project
> Timeframe Commitment: Approximately 6 months (or the duration of the Digital 
> Engagement Project) from the date of this email.
> Start Date: The first meeting is tentatively scheduled for August 22nd.
> Administrative Info:
> The group will meet via conference call and Adobe Connect and will have a 
> mailing list.
> There may be a face to face meeting in Buenos Aires, schedules permitting (no 
> funded travel).
> The calls will not be recorded.
> The group will decide on the best means of tracking discussions (wiki page or 
> other).
> Objective: To advise and guide the highly strategic digital engagement 
> project; to help ensure that the project achieves the desired goals.
> Roles and Responsibilities: The group would meet every other week (2x per 
> month) for the duration of the project. Meetings are expected to last 1 hour. 
> However, this may change depending on the group and the project. Members will 
> be encouraged to participate in prototype testing and provide feedback, as 
> well as offer input and guidance on project documents, such as metrics for 
> success, problem statement and others.
> Group Membership: For management and efficiency purposes we would like to 
> limit membership to 20 people (or less) but otherwise there are no 
> restrictions on who can participate. People are free to join at anytime 
> during the project. Given the goals of the project an interest in promoting 
> general engagement with ICANN and broadening the breadth and diversity of 
> participants is desirable. I encourage participants from developing regions 
> to join as it's my belief that they will profit most from this project. We 
> also need representation and voices from constituencies as we need to ensure 
> that engagement leads to meaningful participation within a structure or 
> constituency.
> To join this group please send me an email at chris.gift@xxxxxxxxx and I'll 
> add you to an email list.
> Glen de Saint Géry
> GNSO Secretariat
> gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://gnso.icann.org

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