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[bc-gnso] Monthly Status Report - Aug. 29th 2013

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Monthly Status Report - Aug. 29th 2013
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 16:49:46 +0200

Dear BC Members,


Please find below the monthly Status Reports submitted by the Executive
Committee, Nominating Committee and myself - BC Secretariat on June 28th,



Elisa Cooper - BC Chair

.         Hosted bi-weekly BC member call

.         Drafted comments on Thick Whois Initial Report which were

.         Contributed to comments on Expert Working Group report which are
still in process

.         Working to complete initial comments on RPM Requirements, Locking
of a Domain Subject to UDRP and Mitigating Namespace Collisions 

.         Updates to Charter based on Durban meeting under development


Chris Chaplow, Vice Chair Finance & Operations:

.         Preparation for and take part Excom call (29th July) to review
NomCom Elections

.         ICANN Budget Finance update for BC member call (8th August)

.         Review of ongoing BC budget with Secretariat.

.         IRTP-D WG weekly calls.

.         Review ICANNlabs and ICANNRoundtable newsletters and websites.


Marilyn Cade, CSG Representative:

.         Calls with other CSG principals re debrief from Durban and
planning for BA

.         Review of budget fast track, and pending funding which affects all
three constituencies

.         Planning for CSG activities in BA - initial identification of

.         Participation in BC call

.         Review of Name Collision Report and Dotless domain report to
assess impact on BC

.         Submission on Charter changes

.         Participation in  ICANN calls re outreach /participation



Ron Andruff & Waudo Siganga, Nominating Committee: 


The 2013 Nom Com, which included Ron Andruff (large business) and Waudo
Sigunga (small business) was tasked with filling 3 Board of Director seats;
3 ALAC Councillor seats (representing Africa, Asia/Australia/Pacific
Islands, and Latin America/Caribbean regions); 2 GNSO Council seats and 2
ccNSO Council seats.


At ICANN Durban 47, the work was arduous, but collegial, and selections were
made in a congenial and collaborative manner that brought about a unanimous
decision for all of the 2013 Nom Com ICANN Board appointees.


The appointees are now undergoing the due diligence process by the ICANN
legal and will be announced on or about late September 2013.  All of those
that were not selected have since received letters from the Nom Com Chair,
Yrjo Lansipuro, thanking them for submitting themselves to the process.


Pursuant to the recent BC 2014 Nom Com elections, Sarah Deutsch (large
business) and Stephane Van Gelder (small business) will assume the
responsibilities for 2014 selections.


Benedetta Rossi, BC Secretariat:


.         Ran BC elections for Nominating Committee

.         Liaised with ICANN staff as Returning and Verifying Officers for
the election

.         Tested new tool for elections

.         Made the Excomm mailing list archived and accessible to members
via passwords

.         Attended and facilitated BC member calls & CSG Executive Committee

.         Drafted minutes for BC member calls

.         Drafted minutes and reports from all BC meetings in Durban

.         Updated BC website with positions

.         Updated BC Wiki (conference call information, recordings, minutes,
presentations, transcripts)

.         Responded to member queries

.         Liaised with Credentials Committee regarding two new applications.

.         Continued BC invoicing round for 2013 to close the round for 2013
and followed up with outstanding members

.         Submitted payments from BC bank account



Thank you,



Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat







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