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[bc-gnso] Monthly Status Report - Oct. 15th 2013

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Monthly Status Report - Oct. 15th 2013
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 15:08:54 +0200


Dear BC Members,


Please find below the monthly Status Reports submitted by the Executive
Committee and myself - BC Secretariat on October 15th, 2013. 



Elisa Cooper, BC Chair

.         Hosted two BC member calls

.         Developed first draft of singular / plural comments with support
from Andy Abram, Ron Andruff and Steve DelBianco

.         Met with Credentials Committee to discuss membership applications

.         Privacy / Proxy Service Abuse Report comments - in process


Steve DelBianco, Vice Chair for Policy Coordination

*       Prepared policy calendars (19-Sep and 3-Oct) and led policy
discussion on member calls
*       Joined call with Credentials Committee
*       Presented BC comment at gTLD Security Forum in Washington DC
*       Drafted talking points and edited letter on singular/plural versions
of new TLDs
*       Solicited drafting help for BC comments on WHOIS study, Risk
Management Framework, IGO/INGO Recommendations, PIC DRP


Chris Chaplow, Vice Chair for Finance and Operations

.         Prepared ICANN Finance update for BC member call

.         Reviewed material and joined call with Credentials Committee

.         IRTP-D Working Group

.         Meeting and calls with bank over SO/AC support xfers.

.         BC budget update prep with Secretariat.



Marilyn Cade, CSG Representative

.         Ongoing engagement with CSG Excomm to  finalize agenda for CSG for

.         Reviewed Charter and advised Credential Committee of relevant
sections /in their assessment of two applications

.         Identified issues with election of V.Chair/House, and engaged CSG

.         Responded to member questions about election procedures on BC list

.         Participated in BC ExComm call with CC 

.         Participated in ICANN Advisory Group calls on ICANN Labs

.         Participated in BC Calls

.         Reviewed materials posted on Collision of Names 

.         Supported Newsletter outline planning with Secretariat


Benedetta Rossi, BC Secretariat:


.         Drafted election procedure for GNSO Councilor Election followed by
NomCom Small Seat position

.         Liaised with ICANN staff as Returning and Verifying Officers for
the elections

.         Worked on Newsletter outline and background work for Buenos Aires

.         Worked on Budget documents in support of V. Chair Finance &

.         Attended and facilitated BC member calls & CSG Executive Committee

.         Drafted minutes for BC member calls

.         Updated BC website with positions

.         Updated BC Wiki (conference call information, recordings, minutes,
presentations, transcripts)

.         Responded to member queries

.         Liaised with Credentials Committee regarding two new applications.

.         Prepared materials and joined Excomm Call with Credentials

.         Continued BC invoicing round for 2013 to close the round for 2013
and followed up with outstanding members

.         Submitted payments from BC bank account



Thank you,



Kind Regards,


Benedetta Rossi

BC Secretariat







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