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Re: [bc-gnso] BC GNSO Councilor & Small Business Seat on Nominating Committee Elections: Nominations close on Friday, Oct. 18th

  • To: "Deutsch, Sarah B" <sarah.b.deutsch@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [bc-gnso] BC GNSO Councilor & Small Business Seat on Nominating Committee Elections: Nominations close on Friday, Oct. 18th
  • From: Michael Castello <michaelc@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 20:02:28 -0700

<html><head><title>Re: [bc-gnso] BC GNSO Councilor &amp; Small Business Seat on 
Nominating Committee Elections: Nominations close on Friday, Oct. 18th</title>
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<span style=" font-family:'Courier New'; font-size: 9pt;">Hello Sarah,<br>
Since there is appears to be consensus on open nominations; I placed Phil 
Corwin in nomination for the GNSO seat.&nbsp;<br>
Michael Castello<br>
Castello Cities Internet Network, Inc.<br>
<a href="http://www.ccin.com";>http://www.ccin.com</a><br>
<a href="mailto:michael@xxxxxxxx";>michael@xxxxxxxx</a><br>
Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 2:53:01 PM, you wrote:<br>
<td width=14 bgcolor= #0000ff><br>
<td width=1671><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 11pt; color: 
#1f497d;">I agree. &nbsp; We&#8217;ve spent countless hours as a constituency 
trying to fix a series of practices that could reasonably be perceived inside 
and outside the BC as election irregularities. &nbsp;The entire notion of 
having &#8220;private nominations&#8221; is a vestige from our past closed 
practices. &nbsp;<br>
As a reminder, some of the election issues we&#8217;ve recently had to address 
included: (1) advocating for an actual fair election vs. the appointment of the 
Nomcom seat; (2) debating whether the separate seats on the Nomcom for small 
and large business representatives were somehow interchangeable; and (3) recent 
issues notifying members about the opening of the elections and then informing 
members who voted right away that their ballots were received &#8220;too 
early&#8221; and needed to be resubmitted. &nbsp;<br>
Can we all just agree that we should err on the side of openness with 
everything associated with BC elections? &nbsp;If there are differing points of 
view, perhaps we consult with ICANN staff about the best way to address this 
<span style=" font-family:'arial'; font-size: 10pt; color: #000080;">Sarah B. 
Vice President &amp; Deputy General Counsel&nbsp;<br>
Verizon Communications&nbsp;<br>
Phone: 703-351-3044&nbsp;<br>
Fax: 703-351-3670&nbsp;<br>
<span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 11pt; color: 
<span style=" font-family:'tahoma'; font-size: 10pt; color: 
[mailto:owner-bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx]&nbsp;<b>On Behalf Of&nbsp;</b>Stephane Van 
Gelder Consulting<br>
<b>Sent:</b>&nbsp;Wednesday, October 16, 2013 4:40 PM<br>
<b>To:</b>&nbsp;Benedetta Rossi; bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx<br>
<b>Subject:</b>&nbsp;Re: [bc-gnso] BC GNSO Councilor &amp; Small Business Seat 
on Nominating Committee Elections: Nominations close on Friday, Oct. 18th<br>
<span style=" font-family:'times new roman'; font-size: 12pt;">&nbsp;<br>
Hi everyone,<br>
I would like te reiterate that I find it very odd that as a group, we prefer to 
have private nominations.<br>
If I am willing to support someone, I have no qualms about making that support 
public. Moreover, I find it troublesome that as a BC member, I do not 
know&nbsp;<u>until the nomination deadline has passed</u>&nbsp;whether someone 
has been nominated for a position or not.<br>
I am left with having to try to read into a reminder message such as this one 
whether it is being sent two days before the deadline because there have been 
no nominations, or because it's just two days before the deadline.<br>
And if I did know what nominations had been made, especially if none had been 
made, I might be spurred on to reach out to other potential candidates and try 
to get them on board. But with the current private nomination system, I just 
don't know.<br>
Is there a historical reason for having private nominations? Do others feel, 
like I do, that it's time to put an end to the secrecy and to run fully 
transparent election processes?<br>
Stéphane Van Gelder<br>
Chairman and Managing Director/Fondateur<br>
T (FR): +33 (0)6 20 40 55 89<br>
T (UK): +44 (0)7583 457053<br>
<a href="http://www.StephaneVanGelder.com";>www.StephaneVanGelder.com</a><br>
Follow us on Twitter: @stephvg and "like" us on Facebook:&nbsp;<a 
On 16 October 2013 18:47, Benedetta Rossi &lt;<a 
<span style=" font-family:'segoe ui'; font-size: 10pt;"><b>From: BC 
Date: &nbsp;October 16th, 2013<br>
CC: &nbsp; &nbsp; Glen De Saint Gery, Returning Officer ,Robert Hoggarth, 
Verifying Officer</b><span style=" font-family:'calibri'; font-size: 
11pt;">,&nbsp;<a style=" font-family:'segoe ui'; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: 
bold;" href="mailto:bcvotes@xxxxxxxxxxx";>bcvotes@xxxxxxxxxxx</a><br>
<span style=" font-family:'segoe ui'; font-size: 10pt;"><b>Re: &nbsp; &nbsp; BC 
GNSO Councilor &amp; Small Business NomCom Seat Elections: Reminder &#8211; 
Nominations Close on Friday, Oct.18th<br>
</b>Please note that this is the announcement for the BC elections for one of 
the two BC GNSO Councilor seats and the Small Business Seat on the Nominating 
Committee .&nbsp;<b><u>Please note that the nomination period will close on 
Friday, October 18th</u></b>. If you would like to submit a nomination, please 
follow the procedure outlined in the election procedure attached, and submit 
your nomination to the&nbsp;<a 
href="mailto:bcvotes@xxxxxxxxxxx";>bcvotes@xxxxxxxxxxx</a>&nbsp;email address 
prior to Friday COB. &nbsp;<br>
Candidate statements should also be sent to the&nbsp;<a 
href="mailto:bcvotes@xxxxxxxxxxx";>bcvotes@xxxxxxxxxxx</a>&nbsp;no later than 
Sunday, Oct. 20th.&nbsp;<br>
<b><i><u>Once again, please refer to the attachment for the full details 
regarding this election.<br>
</u></i></b>Transmitted by the BC Secretariat: &nbsp;Benedetta Rossi, serving 
as Voting Officer<br>
<span style=" font-family:'times new roman'; font-size: 12pt;">&nbsp;<br>
<span style=" font-family:'courier new';">--&nbsp;<br>
<span style=" font-family:'times new roman';">Kind Regards,<br>
Benedetta Rossi<br>
BC Secretariat<br>
<a href="http://bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx";>bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx</a><br>
<a href="http://www.bizconst.org";>www.bizconst.org</a><br>

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