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[bc-gnso] Google Translate

  • To: <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [bc-gnso] Google Translate
  • From: "Benedetta Rossi" <bc-secretariat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 20:01:53 +0100

Dear BC Members,


Please see below another post on behalf of Zahid Jamil :


From: Zahid Jamil [mailto:zahid@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: mardi 19 novembre 2013 20:00
To: Benedetta Rossi
Subject: Google Translate



Bene, please post to private list.  Thanks.



See last line:





Brazil will host conference on Internet governance


by Portal Brazil - published11/18/2013 15:48, last modified19/11/2013 14:42

Announcement was made by ministers Luiz Alberto Figueiredo, Marco Antônio Raupp 
and Paul Bernardo

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The Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo; Communications, 
Paulo Bernardo, and Science, Technology and Innovation, Marco Antonio Raupp, 
announced on Monday (18), during a press conference that Brazil will host the 
23rd and April 24, 2014 an international conference on Internet governance.

According to Paul Bernardo, the meeting should take place in São Paulo. The 
goal, according to Figueiredo, is organizing a meeting to seek understanding 
about the subject.

The minister explained that some assignments of Internet control should be 
maintained with the third sector. "What we found is that governments should act 
where it is necessary, as in cases of cyber crime, terrorism, espionage and 
pedophilia. Our March calendar has principles that can be replicated, but does 
not deal with international issues that still need to be addressed, "he added.

"The goal of the conference is a broad discussion of all stakeholders and 
sectors directly linked to the internet. Governments, businesses, academia, 
civil society.We are acting for the international protection of human rights. 
This is great advice that the government has to protect freedom of expression, 
human rights and privacy. We are determined to continue on this path, "said 
Figueiredo.  Already the Minister of Science and Technology cited the Brazilian 
model participatory and democratic governance of the internet's Internet 
Steering Committee (CGI), created in 1995 and brings together 20 members. "This 
proposal of São Paulo meeting came a beautiful experience that Brazil has in 
the field of Internet governance. There are representatives from all major 
sectors of society. The Decalogue which guides their actions is already 
recognized worldwide. So Brazil has a leading position in this sector, "he said.

The purpose of the meeting was arranged at a hearing of President Dilma 
Rousseff with the CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and 
Numbers (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), Fadi Chehade, on 
the 9th of October.

At the time, he said he came "to discuss with her how to depart from her vision 
for the future to achieve practical solutions, because the world's confidence 
in the global Internet was injured," and that the idea of ​​the conference was 
to "discuss how together we base our work in governing the internet. "

 Blog do Planalto  
 Ministry of Communications

 Report error 
 Report error







Best regards, 

Zahid Jamil

Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center



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