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[bc-gnso] Dublin schedule will change to fit extra time for CCWG-Accountability
- To: BC List <bc-gnso@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [bc-gnso] Dublin schedule will change to fit extra time for CCWG-Accountability
- From: Steve DelBianco <sdelbianco@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 17:17:38 +0000
AC/SO leaders held a call with ICANN staff this morning. There was broad
agreement to select the moderate plan for changing schedules in Dublin.
It’s known as Option B, shown below. CCWG will develop agendas for the
accountability sessions before end of this week.
Option B: Moderate Change to ICANN54 Schedule
Adding onto Option A, for increased cross-community discussion the
SO-AC-SG-RALO Community Roundtable on Friday, 16 October will be cancelled so
that all participants of that meeting are able to attend the
CCWG-Accountability Working Session that day for the last 3 hours. In addition,
the main Auditorium on Monday, 19 October will be rescheduled to allow for a
full afternoon of cross-community accountability discussions. Additionally,
time slots will also be made available to provide working sessions for the
CCWG-Accountability. To not interfere with any Board-SO/AC interactions on
Wednesday, as many as possible will move to an extended Constituency Day
schedule on Tuesday, 20 October.

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