Summary & Analysis of Public Comments for Proposed Changes to the ICANN Bylaws Article XI: Advisory Committees Relating to the Membership of the SSAC
Summary and Analysis of Public Comments for: Proposed Changes to the ICANN Bylaws Article XI: Advisory Committees Relating to the Membership of the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) Comment period ended: 01 August 2010 Summary published: 02 August 2010 Preparation by: Julie Hedlund, Policy Director I. BACKGROUND: As part of its program of Organizational Reviews, ICANN has undertaken a review of the Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC). In 2009, the ICANN Board appointed an SSAC Review Working Group (WG), which engaged in extensive consultations with the SSAC community. In its final report published 29 January 2010 [PDF, 282 KB], the SSAC Review WG recommended SSAC membership appointments be for a term of three years renewable by the Board at the recommendation of the SSAC Chair indefinitely, and that the terms be staggered to allow for the terms of one-third of the SSAC members to expire at the end of every year. On 12 March 2010, the Board received the SSAC final report and directed the SIC to identify actions necessary to address the recommendations within the report, at Article XI, Section 2(2)(b) of the Bylaws states that the SSAC chair and members shall be appointed by the Board, and does not state any term for such appointments. Staff supporting the Board Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) have identified that a Bylaws amendment is required in order to implement the recommended change to the SSAC membership appointments, and the SIC recommended that the Board approve that proposed Bylaws amendments to this effect are posted for public comment. On 25 June 2010 the Board approved resolution 2010.06.25.04 directing the ICANN CEO to have staff draft proposed Bylaws amendments addressing the recommendations arising out of the SSAC review WG and to post the proposed amendments for public comment for a period of no less than 30 days. The public comment forum was opened on 02 July 2010 and closed on 01 August 2010. The following is a summary and analysis of the public comments received as of 22 July 2010. II. GENERAL COMMENTS & CONTRIBUTORS: The public comment period was opened on 02 July 2010 and closed on 01 August 2010. At the time this summary was prepared, one community submission was posted to the forum. The contributor is listed below. * Michele Neylon, Blacknight III. SUMMARY & ANALYSIS: Mr. Neylon stated that he thought the proposed Bylaws change was reasonable and he would support it. IV. NEXT STEPS: This Summary Analysis document will be posted to the ICANN public forum and submitted to the Board for consideration. Attachment:
Summary & Analysis of Public Comments Bylaws Changes for SSAC Membership 02 Aug 2010 |