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[ccnso-nominations] Nomination of Chris Disspain for ccNSO - seconded

  • To: ccnso-nominations@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: [ccnso-nominations] Nomination of Chris Disspain for ccNSO - seconded
  • From: Koki Higashida <higashida@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 May 2004 10:56:23 +0900
  • Cc: ceo@xxxxxxxxxxx, higashida@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-ccnso-nominations@xxxxxxxxx

JPRS, the manager of .jp top-level domain, is happy to second Chris

1 Full name of nominator whose candidate is being seconded: 
    Peter Dengate Thrush    

2a. Full name of the candidate being seconded: 
    Christopher Disspain

2b. E-mail address of the candidate being seconded: 
3a. Full name of the seconder: 
    Koki Higashida

3b. ccTLD and region of the seconder
    .jp, Asia Pacific

3c. E-mail address of the seconder: 


Koki Higashida
President, Japan Registry Service Co., Ltd. (JPRS)

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