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The proposed Measures of Competition are economically meaningless [CORRECTED]
- To: "cctc-draft-advice-letter@xxxxxxxxx" <cctc-draft-advice-letter@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: The proposed Measures of Competition are economically meaningless [CORRECTED]
- From: Michael Flynn <MFlynn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 13:58:18 +0000
The proposed definitions, measures and targets are largely inappropriate and
unhelpful for assessing competition. Moreover, ICANN now appears to be
deemphasizing competition itself as a criterion when reviewing the performance
of the new gTLDs.
Between the final draft (dated 22 February 2012) of the Advice Letter and
ICANN's February 23rd posting, there was an interesting switch in emphasis that
suggests ICANN now is trying to minimize the role of competition as a
justification for introducing new gTLDs. The title of the final draft ("Advice
requested by ICANN Board regarding definitions, measures, and targets for
COMPETITION, consumer trust and consumer choice" has now become ""Draft Advice
Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and COMPETITION [emphases added]
This potentially is significant, because it is COMPETITION that is the
necessary condition - the guarantor - of the other values (consumer trust and
consumer choice) that ICANN seeks to advance and evaluate. And it was ICANN's
inability to provide a sufficient competitive justification for its gTLD
expansion that has drawn the fire of many stakeholders, including the U.S.
Departments of Commerce and Justice. The existence of genuine competition -
properly defined and understood - is a NECESSARY condition for the realization
of consumer trust, consumer choice and innovation. It should be the primary
But vague invocations of "competition", without more, are economically
meaningless. So also are the definition supplied for it ("Competition is
defined as the quantity, diversity, and the potential for market rivalry of
TLDs, TLD registry operators, and registrars") and the "Measures of
Competition" that have been proposed at p. 11.
"Competition" can be assessed only within the context of a properly
defined "relevant product market", as that term is understood by economists,
competition authorities and the courts, to comprise the products (and their
producers) that are deemed by consumers to be acceptable substitutes, and to
exclude those products that are not seen as potential substitutes.
"Competition" occurs only between and among goods (including services) that are
substitutes; producers of COMPLEMENTARY goods do not "compete" with each other.
This is not just relevant to any discussion of "definitions, measures, and
targets" for "competition"; it's critical. Unless restricted to just those
alternatives that have been shown to be economic substitutes, such measurements
would be meaningless.
The fundamental flaw in ICANN's entire rationale for its plans to increase in
number of gTLDs is that it has never offered any satisfactory analysis or
answer for the threshold question: Do gTLDs actually compete with each other?
Put differently, does ICANN - or anyone else - seriously contend that
registrants of second-level domains generally are content to register their
domains under one - and only one - of the available gTLDs?
To anyone familiar with the actual demand by registrants of second-level
domains, the question answers itself: Most registrants overwhelmingly prefer
to register their second-level domains under the .com gTLD. To the extent they
undertake registrations under any of the other gTLDs, this is IN ADDITION TO
their .com domains, usually for defensive reasons. In other words, these
registrations under the other non-.com gTLDs are COMPLEMENTS rather than
Despite prodding by U.S. government agencies and others, ICANN has never been
willing to undertaken a proper delineation of the relevant product markets at
issue in connection with any of its three campaigns (in 2000, 2003-2004 and the
present) to increase the number of gTLDs. Its currently proposed measures of
"competition" reflect that failure. They are economically meaningless, because
they would not be taken within the confines of a properly-defined relevant
product market. As a result, they cannot provide meaningful measures of the
competitive significance of the new gTLDs, and likely will wrongly suggest that
some new gTLDs have enhanced competition when in reality they have done nothing
of the sort.
Michael A. Flynn
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AFE Consulting
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Michael A. Flynn
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AFE Consulting
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