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Country Code Top-Level Domains

  • To: <cctld-sunset-comments@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Country Code Top-Level Domains
  • From: "Alexander Balandin" <bal@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 09:58:57 +0300

>With these issues in mind, we are seeking community input on how IANA
should handle top-level domains that are no >longer ordinarily assigned
codes in the ISO-3166.
>Guiding questions:
>1. Should IANA adhere to the ISO-3166 standard and remove top-level domains
from the DNS root that become >transitionally reserved (i.e. retired)?

NO. Removing the traditions is the worst practice everywhere. (c)

>2. If so, by what process should this be conducted?
>3. What implementation timeframes for removal should be specified?
>4. If removal is test-based, what specific milestones should signify
removal from the root zone?
>5. What pre-emptive right, if any, should existing operators have toward a
new code that covers an area previously >serviced (in whole, or in part) by
another code?
>6. In the event there is more than one code for a particular country
available for its use (e.g. GB and UK), what policy >should govern their

Existing. It is not required any special regulation.

Alexander Balandin

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