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Return statement

  • To: "comments-blacknight-07may14@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-blacknight-07may14@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Return statement
  • From: iloveucecily@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 May 2014 19:38:54 -0600

  Good Evening,
I was reading over the document and on the second page no signature was 
presented for the "company's" to press forward on the matter. I would not be 
able to move forward on the matter till the proper documentation was presented 
and accurate. I would also not keep personal data over 12 months without any 
update's from the consumer due to the problems that could arise with costumer 
relations and year end network maintenance. Personal data and privacy is the up 
most concern on most consumers minds of lately with all the miss information 
that is moving through the World Wide Web on how data is being handled. The 
freedom of information act can also be used over Data Retention for this matter 
because if fraudulent proceedings have taken place there must be a record of 
information and proof that the information is accurate and up to date. The 
cover letter is also concerning for the manner on which it was presented as all 
the other pages were in proper alignment with no faults to presentation. I 
apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause the "company" involved.

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