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"Closed Generic" gTLD Applications

  • To: "comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: "Closed Generic" gTLD Applications
  • From: Martin Prendergast <Martin.Prendergast@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 13:14:01 +0000

Dear Sirs,

As a company we work with organisations in order to ensure compliance with the 
legal requirements of large software vendors, but more importantly monitor and 
ensure that vendors are not taking advantage of customers through the 
complexity of their legal agreements.   We strongly disagree with the proposal 
to allow specific organisations exclusive control over generic industry 
domains. The action bestows unfair competitive advantage onto those vendors 
with the deepest pockets, and will disadvantage suppliers offering similar 
services in the same arena, therefore potentially denying the end customer 
greater competitive choice. The advent of Cloud has created an open market for 
software, and as such should remain free from dominance or influence by 
mega-vendors looking to control customer buying decisions by monopolizing 
industry domains.
Yours sincerely,

Martin Prendergast
CEO Concorde Solutions Ltd

Martin Prendergast  |  CEO
Phone:  +44 (0)1491 870 250
Mob:    +44 (0)7921 406 726
Web:    www.concordesoftware.com

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