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Closed generic TLDs

  • To: comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Closed generic TLDs
  • From: Ron Miller <ron.miller@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 16:30:36 -0000

I believe this has to be reconsidered. Many terms are so generic they are
used by a range of organisations in many sectors. For example “cloud”
encompasses many services across a marketplace and it would be
fundamentally wrong and anti-competitive to award the domain to a specific
organisation for commercial reasons.


*Ron Miller MA (Hons) ACII MBCI **·** *Principal Consultant *·** *SunGard
Availability Services (UK) Limited *·*

Tel:  +44 (0)20 8080 8398 *·* Mobile:  +44 (0)7771 505133 *·* mailto:
ron.miller@xxxxxxxxxxx <name.surname@xxxxxxxxxxx> *·*
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