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Objection to generic closed registry applications for .cloud

  • To: <comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Objection to generic closed registry applications for .cloud
  • From: "Andrew Corbett" <andrew.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 16:12:42 -0000

 From Andrew Corbett - Board Director of the UK IT Association (UKITA)


I am the membership-services director of the UK IT Association which is a
not-for-profit business group and trade association which represents the
interests of the largest IT employer in the UK.  That is to say the tens of
thousands of small, micro and medium-sized IT and digital businesses
employer fewer than 50 people whose hard work and professionalism underpins
the economic performance of the UK's SME economy by advising and providing
the most appropriate, secure and cost-effective use of IT and digital
products and services.  


UKITA strongly opposes applications for Closed Generic gTLDs and most
specifically for the .cloud gTLD


The reasons we oppose are:



*             It is monopolistic and anti-competitive

*             It favours large organisations over SMEs - it is therefore not
in the interests of our members - most of whom are classified as SMEs

*             It is against the 'spirit' of the internet

*             The proposal has not been adequately presented to all sections
of business and consumers who will be affected

*             The word 'generic suggests a generality of availability which
a closed gTLD would not be  

*             It will inhibit innovation and new business formation and
thereby employment

*             .cloud is FAR too generic and important a term for any one
commercial organisation to be allowed to control


Yours faithfully,


Andrew Corbett- BSc (Hons), MBCS


Andrew Corbett

Membership Services Director

UK IT Association, Skillfair & Business Advisers Direct

Palmers House, Ludlow SY8 1DB

0800 862 0333

 <mailto:andrew.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx> andrew.corbett@xxxxxxxxxxx


 <http://www.ukita.co.uk> www.ukita.co.uk

 <http://www.Skillfair.co.uk> www.Skillfair.co.uk

 <http://www.BusinessAdvisersDirect.co.uk> www.BusinessAdvisersDirect.co.uk


Twitter: @ukita_uk   @skillfair  @advisersdirect


We are the UK IT Association - Championing quality, professionalism and fair
dealing with customers - for the ICT, Digital and Internet industries.


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