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Closed domain
- To: <comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Closed domain
- From: "Bob McVeigh" <bmcveigh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 14:05:37 -0500
To whom it may concern,
I run an alarm company in Ct and find that any company owning exclusive
rights to .security or any other domain is violently restrictive. I have no
problem with any company using this domain and especially to identify them
as a security dealer but to lock out other security companies seems to be
moving the internet into a more restrictive environment where those who have
the big dollars to play will be the big winners. The internet should be
about the ease of searching for access to information, this is clearly a
monetary move and will ultimately hurt the ability to search the internet
instead of help
Thank you
Bob McVeigh
Security Solutions Inc.
12 oakwood Ave
Norwalk CT 06850
(203) 846-8466
(203) 663-6850 direct
<http://www.securitysolutionsinc.com/> www.SecuritySolutionsInc.com
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