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NO to closed generic TLDs
- To: "comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-closed-generic-05feb13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: NO to closed generic TLDs
- From: Jessica Barry <jessica.barry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 21:55:45 +0000
To whom it may concern:
As an employee of a certification body providing independent certification and
accreditation to organisations, I would like to formally object to the proposal
to enable close generic TLDs to be assigned to only one organisation.
I am actively involved in validating organisations, products and services where
impartiality and integrity are at the heart of our business practices, as is
applying rules, standards and regulations consistently and fairly to all who
are eligible. This is standard practice in our industry, regardless of any
commercial standing, ownership, or memberships held.
I do not believe it is fair business practice to favour or give advantage to
one provider of any product or service over another based on the underlying
principles upheld of my industry, nor do I believe it is fair to restrict
access to tools and mechanisms that give fair competition to all.
I also believe this type of practice could have an impact on our services.
Those organisations that have sought independent validation in order to gain
prominence within their markets may no longer see the value in upholding
quality and seeking certification from an independent and impartial authority
as a way to assure, market and promote their offerings, as their ability to be
competitive will be greatly restricted through this activity forcing them to
look for more cost effective solutions. The only way to ensure products and
services are not devalued is to ensure a level playing field.
Due to the industry I am in, and the sectors within which I administer
certification programs, I have a specific objection to the following generic
TLDs being registered, but am generally not in favour of the entire proposal! :-
Many thanks
Jessica Barry
Jessica Barry
Accreditor Coordinator
+44 (0)1494 458 958
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