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Opposed to Proposed Amendment

  • To: comments-com-amendment-30jun16@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Opposed to Proposed Amendment
  • From: russ@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 11:18:39 -0500

I strongly disagree with the proposed amendment to adjust Verisign's extension of the term of the .com Registry Agreement to coincide with the term of the Root Zone Maintainer Services Agreement.
There is no unique capability other than the generic one given: "to  
preserve and enhance the security and stability of the Internet or the  
TLD, and (b) as may be necessary for consistency with changes to, or  
the termination or expiration of, the Cooperative Agreement between  
Registry Operator and the Department of Commerce".  There are other  
companies that have the capabilities to comply and entrust with these  
duties rather than continuing to grant Verisign the master controller  
of this monopolized .com space.
By continuing to grant Verisign the .com Registry Agreement, this  
stamps the impropriety of corruption by not offering this opportunity  
to other entities through a public tender/competitive bid process.   
Verisign is not the only company that has the ability to manage the  
.com Registry.  Therefore, by ICANN assigning a six-year extension  
leaves to question why this is being pushed two years early with no  
explanation given other than through the "presumptive renewal", which  
does not grant Verisign an early automatic extension of renewal.   
There are people questioning why ICANN allows this to happen.  The  
only thing that makes sense is that ICANN is in bed with Verisign and  
gets compensated in some manner to continue granting to Verisign  
without competition.  The impropriety alone should steer ICANN from  
this path.  However, trying to view this with a common sense hat  
actually makes no sense.  Looking at it through the glass of ICANN  
getting kickbacks or similar pay-to-play scheme makes more sense than  
what is currently taking place.  Since this question of impropriety  
exists, then perhaps ICANN needs to explain themselves on why such an  
obvious view of unscrupulous conduct is in place time and yet time  
Lastly, there are 100% of the comments provided in this public comment  
forum which are opposed to Verisign extending their term of the .com  
Registry Agreement.  It is very possible that the comment period will  
close with near or at the current 100% opposed. If Verisign is granted  
this extension with such an opposition percentage, then it means that  
ICANN truly does not care about the comments and will just act as they  
please, regardless.

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