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Comments from .berlin (dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG)
- To: "comments-competitive-effects-28sep15@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-competitive-effects-28sep15@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Comments from .berlin (dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG)
- From: Dirk Krischenowski | DOTZON GmbH <krischenowski@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 6 Nov 2015 15:09:03 +0000
I'm writing on behalf of the Registry dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG which is the
contracted operator of the .berlin gTLD.
I have read and analyzed the recently released study "Phase I Assessment of the
Competitive Effects Associated with the New gTLD Program" which evaluated the
competitive effects associated with the New Generic Top-Level Domain ("gTLD")
Program (https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2015-09-28-en).
Surprisingly, the study does not make a single mention of the category of
GeoTLDs. Most of the GeoTLDs including .berlin are operated under specific
economic conditions and in the public interest, based on a letter of support of
their respective government(s). As a consequence, a huge part of successful new
gTLDs have not been properly addressed in the report.
As you might know, almost all GeoTLDs have a contract with their relevant
government(s). Those contracts often preserve public interest commitments which
significantly exceed what ICANN requested in Specification 11. In terms of
competition, the contracts have in many cases ambivalent consequences, as a
number of GeoTLD operators are obliged to pay fees to their governments. Thus,
a relevant number of GeoTLDs have extra payment obligations in average between
US$ 3.00 to 10.00 per domain name.
While many larger ccTLDs and gTLDs have a wholesale price around US$ 2.00 to
7.00 (resulting in end user prices between US$ 3.00 to 20.00), most GeoTLDs
must charge a wholesale price of US$ 10.00 - 30.00 in order to sustain their
operations. The average end user prices for GeoTLDs are about between US$ 20.00
and 60.00.
Even with these additional obligations, the GeoTLDs are among the most
successful new gTLDs. I have communicated these facts to responsible ICANN
staff and the editors of the assessment study, along with specific numbers and
examples, starting in February 2015 and more extensively at the ICANN meeting
in Buenos Aires.
I'm disappointed that the study's performance and results do not address those
topics adequately, as commented at
http://domainnamewire.com/2015/09/29/new-tld-competition-report-is-worthless. I
believe that differentiation between generic gTLDs, geographic gTLDs and
possibly other relevant categories of gTLDs needs to be reflected in future
ICANN studies. I suggest that the specific conditions under which GeoTLDs are
being operated need to be analyzed more thoroughly and considered in further
economic studies on new gTLD competition, diversity, innovation and consumer
I'm more than happy to contribute to this as this matter is also important in
the process to review and develop future rounds of the New gTLD Program.
Dirk Krischenowski (CEO)
26 October 2015 (originally submitted but the comment was not published)
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