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auDA submission to CCWG-Accountability - Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations

  • To: <comments-draft-ccwg-accountability-proposal-30nov15@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: auDA submission to CCWG-Accountability - Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations
  • From: Paul Szyndler <paul.szyndler@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2015 03:42:24 +0000 (GMT)

Please find attached the input of .au Administration Ltd (auDA) in
response to the current public comment period on the CCWG-Accountability's
Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations.






Paul Szyndler | General Manager, International and Government Affairs
.au Domain Administration Limited
T: +61 2 6292 5034 | F: +61 3 8341 4112 | M: +61 402 250 389
E:  <mailto:paul.szyndler@xxxxxxxxxxx> paul.szyndler@xxxxxxxxxxx | W:
<http://www.auda.org.au/> www.auda.org.au   
Twitter:  <http://twitter.com/auda> @auda | Blog:
<http://www.auda.org.au/blog/> www.auda.org.au/blog/ 

auDA - Australia's Domain Name Administrator

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Attachment: 2015-12 auDA comments on Third Draft report of the CCWG-Acountability.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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