Ratified: ALAC Statement on the Draft PTI FY18 Operating Plan and Budget
Dear All, Kindly find attached the ratified ALAC Statement on the Draft PTI FY18 Operating Plan and Budget. The content of the Statement is unchanged; ratification information has been added in the Staff Introduction section. Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine, Terri Agnew and Yeşim Nazlar ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community E-mail: staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:staff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Website: atlarge.icann.org<https://atlarge.icann.org/> Facebook: facebook.com/icann<https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>atlarge<https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge> Twitter: @<https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>ICANNAtLarge<https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge> Attachment:
AL-ALAC-ST-1216-02-01-EN.pdf |