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Open question: Will the GAC Advice response be public?

  • To: <comments-gac-safeguard-advice-23apr13@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Open question: Will the GAC Advice response be public?
  • From: ".berlin | Dirk Krischenowski" <krischenowski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 22:05:28 +0200

Dear Sirs,


the GAC Advice Procedure does not clarify if applicant's response of the GAC
Advice will become public. The applicant's response to the Early Warning was
not published.


I would be glad if you could clarify this point.


Best regards,

Dirk Krischenowski
Founder and CEO
dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG
Akazienstrasse 2
10823 Berlin
Tel +49 30 49782354
Fax +49 30 49782356
Mobile +49 173 2339156
E-Mail  <mailto:krischenowski@xxxxxxxxxxxx> krischenowski@xxxxxxxxxxxx


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