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IGO-INGO Identifier Protection recommendations inadequate
- To: "comments-igo-ingo-recommendations-27nov13@xxxxxxxxx" <comments-igo-ingo-recommendations-27nov13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IGO-INGO Identifier Protection recommendations inadequate
- From: RAUTENBACH Johan <jrautenbach@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 08:15:39 +0000
The International Organization for Migration agrees with the comment by the
United Nations that the recent IGO-INGO Identifier Protection recommendations
adopted by the GNSO Council are inadequate to protect the names and acronyms of
intergovernmental organizations.
Best regards
Legal Counsel
Director Office of Legal Affairs
Office: +41 22 717 93 91
Mobile: +41 79 701 10 47
17, route des Morillons
P.O. Box 17
CH-1211 Geneva 19, Switzerland
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