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IGO-INGO Identifier Protection recommendations adopted by the GNSO Council
- To: <comments-igo-ingo-recommendations-27nov13@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: IGO-INGO Identifier Protection recommendations adopted by the GNSO Council
- From: "Verwilghen, Stephane" <S.Verwilghen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 12:30:48 +0100
The comments below are submitted on behalf of the Secretariat-General of the
Benelux Union.
The Secretariat-General of the Benelux Union would like to stress that the
Benelux Union constitutes an entity created under public international law with
the aim to promote the shared interests of three countries (Belgium, Luxemburg
and the Netherlands) as well as the well-being of their citizens. As a
treaty-based union between three Governments, the names and acronyms referring
to the Benelux Union and its institutions require appropriate protection,
superior to protection for non-governmental organizations, businesses and
Therefore, the Secretariat-General of the Benelux Union fully supports the
comments posted by the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs, the OECD and
other IGOs. The Secretariat-General of the Benelux Union confirms that the
latest IGO-INGO Identifier Protection recommendations adopted by the GNSO
Council are unsatisfactory and fall short of offering the required protection
to IGOs.
Like other IGOs, the Benelux Union and its institutions are generally
identified by the public through their acronyms. It is thus essential that IGO
protection encompasses both the full names and the acronyms of the IGOs.
Moreover, the required protection calls for straightforward and cost-neutral
processes allowing IGOs to prevent and terminate inappropriate third-party
registrations, without any budgetary implications for the IGO and/or for the
States having established the IGO.
Consequently, the Secretariat-General of the Benelux Union urges the ICANN
Board to ensure appropriate IGO protection and give due consideration to the
concerns expressed on various occasions by the OECD on behalf of a large number
of IGO, as well as to the comments posted by United Nations Office of Legal
Affairs, the OECD and other IGOs.
Yours sincerely,
Stephane Verwilghen
Medewerker Juridische Zaken · Collaborateur Affaires juridiques
Stafbureau · Bureau du Staff
Regentschapsstraat 39 · Rue de la Régence 39 · Bruxelles 1000 Brussel
T: +32(0)2 519 38 96 · s.verwilghen@xxxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:s.verwilghen@xxxxxxxxxxx> · www.benelux.int <http://www.benelux.be/>

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