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In reply to, and in support of, the comments of the GNSO gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group Statement

  • To: comments-policy-implementation-31jan13@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: In reply to, and in support of, the comments of the GNSO gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group Statement
  • From: John Curran <jcurran@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 13:16:14 -0400

In considering questions posed in "Policy versus Implementation - Draft 
Public Consultation, significant attention should be paid to the statement from 
GNSO gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group regarding the primary responsibility that
Supporting Organizations carry as policy development bodies.

To the extent that policy-development (including cross-consultation and 
building of
overall consensus) can occur within the Supporting Organization framework, it 
the ICANN Board to focus on its overall oversight and coordination 

In keeping with this principle, and again in support of the GNSO gTLD 
Stakeholder Group comments, the ICANN Board should not feel obligated to act 
to resolve any lack of consensus for change, as long as the status quo would 
create any security or stability issues.

Thank you for your consideration,

John Curran
Individual Submission
Reston, VA

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