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Proposal to infringe privacy rights enforcement by proxy services

  • To: comments-ppsai-initial-05may15@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Proposal to infringe privacy rights enforcement by proxy services
  • From: "lawgroupv@xxxxxxxxx" <lawgroupv@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 27 Jun 2015 22:56:21 -0700

RE:  Proposal to infringe privacy rights enforcement by proxy services. 

Thank you kindly for soliciting my  comment, and on behalf of my colleagues:  

The right to remain anonymous in any and every daily personal interaction and 
transaction is essential not just to liberty, but to the lives, the very 
survival, of many.  Whether victims of oppressive regimes, or of the 
terroristic oppression of domestic violence, the exercise of one's rightful, 
exclusive power to control one's own personal identity information is utterly 
essential to the survival of these many targeted victims.

Indeed, under U.S. law, a person's own identity information is explicitly 
recognized as their own "most personal, most intimate possession, worth more 
than any other possession that can ever be owned.". No other person or entity 
is entitled to or over that "possession" so intimate, of specifically 
determined pecuniary value exceeding that of other such things as the net worth 
of Apple Incorporated, or Exxon Mobile Incorporated, or any other "thing" of 
great value that you may imagine.  

Again in the U.S., a country where nearly half of all living women are 
surviving domestic violence (per the nation's CDC, excluding those already 
killed by domestic violence), individuals escaping their perpetrators (a 
majority, estimated as high as 75%, of victims of domestic violence homicide 
are murdered AFTER fleeing their perpetrators, hunted down and slaughtered) 
MUST be empowered to exercise control over their every article of identity 
information, in every context - whether interpersonal or business, whether in 
work, or in operating and conducting their own internet business.  Make no 
mistake about it, every breach of individual privacy is a threat to these 
vulnerable lives, and any policy antithetical to the right to remain anonymous 
will kill many of these victims - victims who otherwise might remain survivors. 

Thank you for your attention to these concerns.  Please do not pursue policies 
that jeopardize lives, such as any infringements upon the right to remain 

Mme Jane Doe
Law Group V:  Major Crimes

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